Riding roughshod without looking at traffic signals from both sides of the political aisle, Trump, the dumnt declared: Of course the woman should be punished, but the guy who got her pregnant. It occurred to me that Matthews should have asked the dumpster if he ever paid a woman to have an abortion. With his bragging history, it’s a good possibility that this might have happened. At the end of that whole widely seen segment, just before the commercial break, Chris asked him if the guy who had gotten the woman who had an illegal abortion pregnant should also be punished. After hemming and hawing for a few seconds - during which Chris pointed out that ‘some would say the guy had something to do with it’, Trump said simply... “No.” There were audible gasps from the pro-Trump audience members, a good portion of which were women. I know that Trump’s view of women is probably slightly above his views on keeping only beautiful women as trophies, so it’s no surprise that he’d said that. But where is the media outrage over his second statement? The idea that women might have to go to jail if they’ve chosen the only option available to them when making the gut wrenching choice about whether to have a child or not, is horrific on it’s own. But saying that the guy who was equally responsible for putting her in that position should bear no consequences at all when she’s being punished, is beyond the pale. Thank you Chris Matthews for asking that question, because it really needed to be asked. But I really think the mainstream media needs to hold him accountable for his FULL statement.