Don’t Cry for Rep. Chaffetz iPhone and healthcare—his PAC pays for his phone, Taxpayers Pay for his Healthcare

Don’t Cry for Rep. Chaffetz iPhone and healthcare—his PAC pays for his phone, Taxpayers Pay for his Healthcare By Ilene Proctor Utah’s sniggering embarrassment and bad pretense of a human being Rep. Jason Chaffetz had to talk back his assertion that people must choose between having an iPhone and having health insurance. The idea that spending $700 on a retail smartphone might possibly be the difference between someone being able to afford health insurance or health costs would be laughable if people weren’t on the brink of losing health insurance. But what makes Rep. Chaffetz’s statement all the more craven is that he himself doesn’t pay for his phone or his excessive phone services. His it’s okay if its welfare because it’s me “Friends of Jason Chaffetz Committee” does. According to that itemized disbursements listing, in 2014, Rep. Chaffetz charged $921.73 of his “Verizon wireless” bills to his “friends.” 2015, America’s Renfield was Forget about the thousands of dollars the PAC’s “consultants” were reimbursed for their use of “phones.” What makes this Grand Old Parsimonious party pusher Small Business Health Option Program plan on the Washington, D.C. and you’ve gotten yourself another bottom-of-the-heap sheep of a Trumpian embarrassment.