May God take David Bowie to heaven, his new everlasting home.

Life’s Glass is Half Full with the Passing of David Bowie Ilene Proctor What is a man but his soul? David Bowie was an icon who lived large and aimed high. Wherever he went, no matter what the weather, he always brought his own sunshine. He tickled our lives with song and humor. His heart was an inch beneath his skin. There are only a handful of singers with power to reach to the far ends of the earth, to touch the human spirit with unshackled individuality and sweet optimism- and that singer was indubitably David Bowie. When Bowie penned “Changes” with its booming baseline, earthy vocal harmonies and its volcanic message, the song became a shattering symbol of the zeitgeist of its time. His musical influence is invaluable. Virtually every track of his long musical career had the liquid warmth of a deep laugh. His presence sparkled like a display at Tiffany. Whenever he walked into a room, he disturbed the molecules, all eyes fastened on him. He was a wizard of art, an avatar of here and now, a true man of the renaissance. His life, like a gleaming candle light, burnt out too soon The lesson of life is that music is not an accident. It is something you strive for. Something you wish. Happiness is something you design for yourself. Hope is the love of light. Let love endure. Let hope endure. May God take David Bowie to heaven, his new everlasting home.